All-on-4 dental implants: An effective and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement

Would you like a permanent and aesthetic tooth replacement instead of dentures?
Does it bother you that your dentures might move during dinner?
Would you like to finally smile without forgetting?



Implant that can be loaded immediately, immediately aesthetic tooth replacement

fix fogsor Budapest

All-on-4 is the perfect solution for you if you have several missing teeth and want a fixed set of teeth that you can use to live your everyday life carefreely and smile freely. You no longer have to use braces and worry about your dentures moving and getting into an uncomfortable position. You can enjoy the Flavors of food without limits.

When are All-on-4 dental implants necessary?

All-on-4 dental implants are usually recommended for patients who are suffering from severe tooth loss or have already lost all of their teeth. These tooth replacement methods effectively replace missing teeth and allow the patient to regain the full functions of chewing and speaking.

Thanks to All-on-4 implants, it is not necessary to place an implant individually for each missing tooth, thus saving time and costs. These solutions can also be beneficial if the patient has weak bone structure or other health problems that make them unsuitable for traditional implantation.

The course of the implantation intervention?

All-on-4 dental implants are a specially designed surgical procedure performed by our qualified oral surgeons. The procedure begins with a condition assessment and the available bone stock is assessed using 3-dimensional imaging technology. After the 3D CBCT examination, we determine the exact location of the implants based on individual planning. During the operation, implants are placed in the bone with local anesthetic. In the case of All-on-4, four implants are fixed. If the state of the bone structure justifies it, 6 implants can also be implanted, which provides an even more stable solution in cases where this is particularly challenging (this procedure was named All-on-6).

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Immediate implantation - immediate aesthetic solution

Az All-on-4 technológiának köszönhetően az implantátumok azonnal terhelhetőek. A beavatkozást követően rögtön fix, hosszú távú akrilát ideiglenes fogpótlást készítünk, így Ön már aznap esztétikus mosollyal távozhat rendelőnkből. Három hónap elteltével az ideiglenes pótlást végleges cirkónium vagy fém-porcelán körhídra cseréljük.

Individual aesthetic restoration - for All-on-4 implants

When planning the final denture, we take into account the facial aesthetics, which includes the color of the teeth matching the color of the facial skin and the shape of the teeth matching the symmetry of the face. The completed zirconium or porcelain bridge is easy to clean, thus providing a hygienic and aesthetic appearance in everyday life.

Fewer implants, fewer complications

Since fewer implants are inserted, the procedure is faster, which requires less time and resources, thus saving significant costs. By placing fewer implants, the risk of potential complications is reduced, which may require additional interventions and costs.

Dental implantation without bone replacement

This method often requires a shorter recovery time and fewer follow-up treatments, resulting in additional cost savings. This technology makes it possible to insert implants without bone replacement, even despite significant bone loss. Bone replacement is an expensive procedure, so by eliminating it, you can save additional costs. 

The implants are placed in such a way that they make maximum use of the strong bone areas available in the jawbone. The two forward-facing implants usually go into the thicker part of the bone, while the back two implants are in an inclined position to avoid sensory nerves and the jawbone.

The design of the implants and the bridge attached to them ensures that chewing forces are evenly distributed between the implants, thus reducing the load on individual implants. This allows for the immediate fixation of the denture, which stimulates the loading of the jawbone and can thus help retain the bone.

Caring for All-on-4 dental implants

All-on-4 dental implants provide a long-term solution. If they are properly cared for and regularly checked, they can retain their function and aesthetics for decades. To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of implants, proper care is important, which includes proper cleaning and regular dental check-ups. Since the implant is a foreign substance in our body, the body can be more resistant to it, so special emphasis must be placed on hygiene and it is important to follow all regulations to avoid gingivitis. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash help prevent inflammation and infections. Avoid hard foods and excessive stress on the implants. Smoking can significantly reduce the lifespan of implants.

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